Friday, February 17, 2012

Day four - we are going home!

John and Mom slept in! Dad got here around 5:30 am and hung out in the lounge until 7:30 or so. We woke up for morning vitals and he was able to pee!
More doctors came by and said that we were getting an echocardiogram and then, maybe, going home!
Our roomie got discharged so we had a private room for a little while.
Dad brought mom a bagel and diet Dr. Pepper for breakfast. The little guy ate an egg and a third of a yogurt for breakfast. We watched movies and napped the morning away. Uncle Ted came over for lunch and found us in the small playroom checking out all the toys. We had lunch in the room and Ted left when we took off for the echocardiogram. We all fell asleep after the test while waiting for transport.
When we got back to our room, we had a new roomie. They certainly don't let the space stay empty long.
Our little guy was able to pee again! Then more movies and more doctor visits and more encouraging intake of fluids. Then we got the good news that we were being discharged! John ran a load of stuff to the car while we waited for the paperwork. The nurses arranged for our prescriptions to be filled, so we can pick them up here before we leave. Once we get the discharge paperwork we will be heading home. They have already set up our follow up appointments with our pediatrician and our cardiologist. Can't believe it went so fast and very thankful that it went so well. Now several weeks of rest and recuperation at home, then back to school and work.
Many thanks for all the prayers. We look forward to seeing everyone soon.

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